
I have built many websites in my day; some from scratch, some redesigns of other’s work, and some we have to scrap and start all over. My experience ranges from small sites like personal blogs to some of the world’s top sites that make the “Alexa’s Top 500 Global Sites” list (oh yeah!).

With “Web 2.0″ as its called, we now have blogging engines like WordPress, CMS’ like DotNetNuke and PHPNuke, and many other site engines that make creating and maintaining a website much easier. Most websites can now be built on top of one of these highly functional engines which reduces startup costs substantially.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s still work to do. There are many steps involved to get a website online. You need to pick and register a domain, setup email and hosting, and pick or create a site design. If you use an already created engine like WordPress lets say, you also have to create the database and install the application. Once the tool is ready, you have to setup the skin (the site layout or design) and get the beginning content created.

After all of that is done and you feel the site is ready, well then there’s training. You have to know how to use it and update it right? This can sometimes be the largest part of the work if you are very new to this process.

So why do I say all of this? If you are in need of a site, a blog, a forum … whatever really that you need online; I can help if you are interested. Use the contact page and let me know what you are looking for. If it’s something I can or would like to do I will let you know and how much it will cost. If it’s not something I am interested in doing, that’s ok; I will still help you find someone I recommend to help you get started.

To make sure you understand the investment, I would suggest you have a minimum of about $1000 USD to spend to get a basic website or blog up and running. I am not saying this is all it will cost, but it’s about the least I can see someone spending to get a full site up and running with basic user training.

I have listed a few sites I have setup or created below. I have been creating sites for many years and could not list them all here. These very few are just a small sample of sites I have worked on. Please use the contact page and let me know how I can help you get started on your site.

*** Please note that not all skins (site layout and design) are created by me personally. I can and will create a design specific to your needs if you wish; but many times we can find a design that fits your needs and budget that has already been created.